step 1: generate a list of the rooms with most rows in state_groups_state:      sudo -u postgres psql -d synapse -c "select room_id, count(*) from state_groups_state group by room_id order by count(*) DESC LIMIT 100" | tee /root/large-rooms.txt step 2: decide which rooms you want to "bonk" step 3: call /root/kick-users-and-temp-delete-room for each room. Here is the redacted content of that script: #!/bin/bash roomid="$1" [ -z "$roomid" ] && exit 1 echo "getting list of users in $roomid..." curl -sS "localhost:8008/_synapse/admin/v1/rooms/$roomid/members?access_token=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" | jq -r '.members[]' | grep '' echo "deleting $roomid..." curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X DELETE "localhost:8008/_synapse/admin/v2/rooms/$roomid?access_token=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" \ --data '{ "block": false, "force_purge": true, "purge": true, "message": "This room is being cleaned, stand by..." }' echo '' echo 'GET /_synapse/admin/v2/rooms/$roomid/delete_status : ' curl -sS "localhost:8008/_synapse/admin/v2/rooms/$roomid/delete_status?access_token=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" step 4: poll /root/get-delete-room-status for each room until all the statuses are "completed". Here is the redacted content of that script: #!/bin/bash roomid="$1" [ -z "$roomid" ] && exit 1 echo '' echo 'GET /_synapse/admin/v2/rooms/$roomid/delete_status : ' curl -sS "localhost:8008/_synapse/admin/v2/rooms/$roomid/delete_status?access_token=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" step 5: Get all the state group ids for the deleted rooms: NOTE: in this example it selects for 2 rooms. you can just keep spamming OR statements to get all the rooms. sudo -u postgres psql -d synapse -c " SELECT id from state_groups where room_id = '"'!'"' OR room_id = '"'!'"'; " > /tmp/stategroups1.txt step 5 and a half: manually edit the tmp/stategroups1.txt file to remove any sort of header and footer from the postgres output: nano /tmp/stategroups1.txt step 6: sort the state group IDs and convert them to state_groups_state DELETE statements: cat /tmp/stategroups1.txt | sort | sed -E 's/([0-9]+)/DELETE FROM state_groups_state where state_group = \1;/' > /tmp/stategroups2.sql step 7: run all the DELETEs: sudo -u postgres psql -d synapse -f /tmp/stategroups2.sql step 8: For each room, Delete from the other state group related tables that are not as row-dense as state_groups_state sudo -u postgres psql -d synapse -c " DELETE FROM state_group_edges where state_group in (SELECT id from state_groups where room_id = '"'!'"'); " sudo -u postgres psql -d synapse -c " DELETE FROM event_to_state_groups where state_group in (SELECT id from state_groups where room_id = '"'!'"'); " step 9: delete from the state groups table for each room: sudo -u postgres psql -d synapse -c " DELETE FROM state_groups where room_id = '"'!'"'; "